Environmental 토토 카지노 Policy

토토 카지노 will contribute to realizing a sustainable future through responsible environmental management practices.

  1. 토토 카지노 will practice systematic environmental management based on an integrated and matching structure promoting ESG, and an effective environmental performance system.
  2. 토토 카지노 will improve on existing business processes and infrastructure to minimize the load on the environment in overall business practices.
  3. The company respond quickly to external and internal changes by practicing environment-friendly activities in line with environment laws and policies.
  4. The company will cooperate and communicate with all personnel, customers, cooperating companies, and other various stakeholders through transparent communications about environmental 토토 카지노.
  5. 토토 카지노 empathizes with the importance and values of preserving the environment, and will encourage all personnel to practice environment-friendly activities in their workday and daily lives.

Environmental 토토 카지노 Strategies


Contributing to the Realization of a Sustainable Future
Through Responsible Environmental 토토 카지노 Practices

Step 1 Environmental Corporate Governance
Establishing Performance 토토 카지노 System
Environmental Impact Evaluation & 토토 카지노
Step 2 Practicing Environmental 토토 카지노
Implementing Environmental Facilities
Members Participating in Related Activities
Step 3 Expansion of ESG Performance
Voluntary Carbon Offsetting Activities
Scope 3 Environmental Information 토토 카지노
Increasing Share of Renewable Energy Use

Strategic Goals

Responding to Climate Change
  • Developing a greenhouse gas inventory
  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
Increasing resources efficiency
  • Increasing Resource Efficiency
  • Conserving water resources
  • Using sustainable resources
Developing Communications and Cooperation Between Stakeholders
  • Advancement of environmental 토토 카지노 governance
  • Internalization of awareness of the environment in all personnel
  • Enhanced local community responsibilities

Human Rights 토토 카지노

토토 카지노 respect the basic rights of all stakeholders, including but not limited to customers, users, all personnel, stockholders, investors, subsidiaries, business partners, and local community members.
토토 카지노 will comply with international standards and guidelines related to labor rights, including but not limited to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (Ruggie Framework), the United Nations Global Compact, and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.
To manage potential human rights risks, which may present themselves in all parts of business, 토토 카지노 will do its best so that the human rights policies can be abided by not just 토토 카지노, but also by subsidiaries, business partners, and the local community.

Basic Principles of Human Rights 토토 카지노

  • Prohibition of discrimination
    and abuse
  • Prohibition of forced labor
  • Prohibition of child labor
  • Guaranteeing of freedom of association and
    collective bargaining 토토 카지노
  • Humane treatment
  • Guaranteeing of safe
    industrial work environments
  • Wages and rewards
  • Protection of customers’
    and users’ 토토 카지노
  • Information Security
  • Supply chain 토토 카지노
  • Protection of local community
    human 토토 카지노

Strategic goals

토토 카지노Preparations for the foundation of human rights 토토 카지노 systems
Establishment of human rights 토토 카지노 systems and processes
Support for international guidelines on human 토토 카지노 and participation in related initiatives
토토 카지노Promotion of the expansion of understanding on human 토토 카지노 and participation
Developing and operations of human 토토 카지노 education programs
Diversification of grievance reporting and consulting channels
토토 카지노Advancement of human rights 토토 카지노
Advancement of diversity and inclusion policies, and developing related programs
Step-by-step expansion of human rights 토토 카지노 until it’s applied to the entire company

토토 카지노 Code of Ethics

Chapter 1
Legal compliance and
social responsibilities
  • 1. Regulations and compliance
  • 2. Sound corporate activities
  • 3. Social responsibilities
  • 4. Ethical 토토 카지노 and preventing corruption
  • 5. Protection of the environment and preservation of resources
  • 6. Prohibition of political activities
  • 7. Safety 토토 카지노 and prevention of accidents
Chapter 2
Basic ethics for all personnel
  • 1. Completion of company mission and diligent execution of tasks
  • 2. Fair execution of professional duties with the company’s profits first
  • 3. Doing the right thing based on ethical values
  • 4. Healthy company culture based on mutual respect
Chapter 3
Cooperating companies
and group prosperity
  • 1. Fair and equal transactions
  • 2. Group prosperity
  • 3. Prohibition of improper solicitation and/or graft
  • 4. Prohibition of corrupt solicitations
  • 5. Prohibition of other corrupt and illegal acts
Chapter 4
Protection of stockholders’
and investors’ 토토 카지노
and interests
  • 1. Protection of stockholders’ and investors’ interests
  • 2. Fair treatment of stockholders
  • 3. Providing reliable and useful information at the right times
  • 4. Continued transparency of accounting
  • 5. Prohibition of unfair acts using undisclosed critical information
Chapter 5
Corporate 토토 카지노
based on respect of customers
  • 1. Providing the best quality in game and service
  • 2. Easy communication for customers
  • 3. Protection of customers’ 토토 카지노 and interests
Chapter 6
Duty to the nation and society
  • 1. Sound corporate activities based on righteousness 토토 카지노
  • 2. Contributing to realizing an abundant future for humanity and social development
  • 3. Prohibition of involvement in political activities
Chapter 7
of the Code of Ethics
  • 1. Range of application and compliance obligations

Corporate Policy on 토토 카지노 and Health

토토 카지노Corporate Policy on 토토 카지노 and Health

  1. 토토 카지노 will strive to put safety and health of all personnel and stakeholders above all else to protect their safety in all corporate matters.
  2. On the foundation of compliance to laws and regulations on safety and environmental matters, as well as company regulations, the company will continue to enhance on existing safety 토토 카지노 practices in the areas of environment, facilities, and operations.
  3. The company will establish and strive for safety and health goals for the fostering of a safe work environment, and practice strategic safety and health 토토 카지노 centered on prevention through regular inspections and improvement.
  4. The company will foster an everyday culture of 토토 카지노 and health through education, training, and communication on topics of 토토 카지노 and health for all personnel.
  5. All company personnel, cooperating companies and other stakeholders will communicate with the company about the 토토 카지노 Corporate Policy on Safety and Health and safety requirements.

Corporate Goals on 토토 카지노 and Health

  • Comprehensive and constant monitoring and improvements
    on 토토 카지노 and health
  • Keeping series industrial
    accidents at 0 cases through
    prevention and inspections
  • Conducting various activities
    such as education of all personnel for raising 토토 카지노 awareness

Occupational 토토 카지노 and Health Committee Establishment and Operations

In accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act, 토토 카지노 has established and operates an occupational safety and health committee to facilitate discussions and decision-making of major issues related to safety and health between the employees and the business owner, which is required for the voluntary prevention of industrial accidents for the business.

Social Contributions

The companycontributes to making a sustainable society
in various areas through the establishment and support of
a virtuous cycle value system.

  • Expansion of future industries such as metaverse and blockchain, and contributing to development of new technologies
  • Supporting future talent growth
  • Supporting various areas of arts & culture
  • Building a 토토 카지노 net for local communities by providing emergency relief and supporting the neglected
  • Providing sources of growth for underdevelopment nations

Information Security Certifications

토토 카지노 has acquired domestic and international information security certifications as shown below to provide safer service and for the safe protection of users’ information.

ISMS Certificationmark
Information Security 토토 카지노 System Certification(ISMS-Information Security 토토 카지노 System)
This is a widely-acknowledged information security certification system, where the Ministry of Science and ICT conducts inspections according to Information Security 토토 카지노 System certification standards to prove that an organization’s measures and practices for information security is suitable for the certification standards.
  • Certification range : Online game publishing and website operations
  • Certification period : 2022.05.18 ~ 2025.05.17
ISO/IEC Certificationmark ISO Certificationmark
ISO/IEC 27001, 27701
ISO/IEC 27001 is an international standard certification published by the International Organization for Standardization and the International Electrotechnical Commission.
토토 카지노 acquired the ISO27701 at the same time, which is more specialized for the area of personal information, for better personal information protection.
  • Certification range : Information Security 토토 카지노 System related to Game and Platform service development and operation using the applicable controls from ISO/IEC 27701:2019. This is in accordance with the Statement of Applicability version 1.0.
  • Certification period : 2022.05.09 ~ 2025.05.08

reddot award 2019 winner

토토 카지노Corporate Identity Brands & Communication Design
Main award


토토 카지노
Designed by
Yoondesign Group
Creative Direction
Art Direction
Project 토토 카지노
Graphic Design
Type Design