23rd Annual General Shareholders' Meeting(Friday, March 31, 2023) Outcome
1 Approval of Financial statements for the 23rd Fiscal Year(2022.1.1~2022.12.31) 카지노 칩 as Proposed
2 Approval of the Appointment of an Excutive Director (Chang, Hyun Guk) 카지노 칩 as Proposed
3 Appointment of two Independent Directors 카지노 칩 as Proposed
3-1 Approval of the Appointment of an Independent Director (Kim, Young Ho) 카지노 칩 as Proposed
3-2 Approval of the Appointment of an Independent Director (Lee, Seon Hye) 카지노 칩 as Proposed
4 Ratification of Stock Option Grant 카지노 칩 by the resolution of the board of directors 카지노 칩 as Proposed
5 Revision of executive severance pay regulations 카지노 칩 as Proposed
6 Approval of the Ceiling Amount of the Remuneration for directors 카지노 칩 as Proposed
7 Approval of the Ceiling Amount of the Remuneration for an Auditor 카지노 칩 as Proposed
22nd Annual General Shareholders' Meeting(Thursday, March 31, 2022) Outcome
1 Approval of Financial Statements for the 22nd Fiscal Year(2021.01.01~2021.12.31) 카지노 칩 as Proposed
2 Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation 카지노 칩 as Proposed
3 Amendments to the Articles of Bonus payment rules of Executive 카지노 칩 as Proposed
4 Approval of the Appointment of an Independent Director(Han, Seung Soo) 카지노 칩 as Proposed
5 Approval of the Ceiling Amount of the Remuneration for Directors 카지노 칩 as Proposed
6 Approval of the Ceiling Amount of the Remuneration for an Auditor 카지노 칩 as Proposed
Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting(Thursday, October 22, 2021) Outcome
1 Stock Option Grant 카지노 칩 as Proposed
21st Annual General Shareholders' Meeting(Thursday, March 25, 2021) Outcome
1 Approval of Financial Statements for the 21st Fiscal Year(2020.01.01~2020.12.31) 카지노 칩 as Proposed
2 Stock Option Grant 카지노 칩 as Proposed
2-1 New Stock Option Grant 카지노 칩 as Proposed
2-2 Ratification of Stock Option Grant 카지노 칩 as Proposed
3 Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation 카지노 칩 as Proposed
4 Approval of the Appointment of an Executive Director (Park, Kwan Ho) 카지노 칩 as Proposed
5 Approval of the Appointment of an Auditor (Woo, Jong Sik) 카지노 칩 as Proposed
6 Approval of the Ceiling Amount of the Remuneration for Directors 카지노 칩 as Proposed
7 Approval of the Ceiling Amount of the Remuneration for an Auditor 카지노 칩 as Proposed
20th Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting(Friday, March 27, 2020) Outcome
1 Approval of Financial Statements for the 20th Fiscal Year(2019.01.01~2019.12.31) 카지노 칩 as Proposed
2 Approval of the Appointment of an Executive Director (Chang, Hyun Guk) 카지노 칩 as Proposed
3 Ratification of Stock Option Grant 카지노 칩 as Proposed
4 Approval of the Ceiling Amount of the Remuneration for Directors 카지노 칩 as Proposed
5 Approval of the Ceiling Amount of the Remuneration for an Auditor 카지노 칩 as Proposed
19th Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting(Friday, March 29, 2019) Outcome
1 Approval of Financial Statements for the 19th Fiscal Year(2018.01.01~2018.12.31) 카지노 칩 as Proposed
2 Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation 카지노 칩 as Proposed
3 Approval of the Appointment of an Independent Director(Park, Jin Won) 카지노 칩 as Proposed
4 Ratification of Stock Option Grant 카지노 칩 as Proposed
5 Approval of the Ceiling Amount of the Remuneration for Directors 카지노 칩 as Proposed
6 Approval of the Ceiling Amount of the Remuneration for an Auditor 카지노 칩 as Proposed
18th Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting(Friday, March 23, 2018) Outcome
1 Approval of Financial Statements for the 18th Fiscal Year 카지노 칩 as Proposed
2 Approval of the Appointment of an Executive Director (Park, Kwan Ho) 카지노 칩 as Proposed
3 Approval of the Appointment of an Auditor (Woo, Jong Sik) 카지노 칩 as Proposed
4 Ratification of Stock Option Grant 카지노 칩 as Proposed
5 Approval of the Ceiling Amount of the Remuneration for Directors 카지노 칩 as Proposed
6 Approval of the Ceiling Amount of the Remuneration for an Auditor 카지노 칩 as Proposed
2017 Extraordinary Shareholder's Meeting (Thursday, May 18, 2017) Outcome
1 Approval of Spin-Off Agreement 카지노 칩 as Proposed
17th Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting(Friday, March 24, 2017) Outcome
1 Approval of Financial Statements for the 17th Fiscal Year 카지노 칩 as Proposed
2 Approval of the Appointment of an Executive Director 카지노 칩 as Proposed
3 Stock Option Grant 카지노 칩 as Proposed
3-1 New Stock Option Grant 카지노 칩 as Proposed
3-2 Ratification of Stock Option Grant 카지노 칩 as Proposed
4 Approval of the Ceiling Amount of the Remuneration for Directors 카지노 칩 as Proposed
5 Approval of the Ceiling Amount of the Remuneration for an Auditor 카지노 칩 as Proposed
16th Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting(Wednesday, March 30, 2016) Outcome
1 Approval of Financial Statements for the 16th Fiscal Year 카지노 칩 as Proposed
2 Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation 카지노 칩 as Proposed
3 Approval of the Appointment of an Executive Director 카지노 칩 as Proposed
4 Approval of the Appointment of an Independent Director 카지노 칩 as Proposed
5 Approval of the Ceiling Amount of the Remuneration for Directors 카지노 칩 as Proposed
6 Approval of the Ceiling Amount of the Remuneration for an Auditor 카지노 칩 as Proposed
15th Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting(Friday, March 27, 2015) Outcome
1 Approval of Financial Statements for the 15th Fiscal Year 카지노 칩 as Proposed
2 Approval of the Appointment of Executive Directors 카지노 칩 as Proposed
2-1 Election of an Executive Director (Park, Kwan Ho) 카지노 칩 as Proposed
2-2 Election of an Executive Director (Ryu, Ki Deok) 카지노 칩 as Proposed
3 Approval of the Appointment of an Auditor (Woo, Jong Sik) 카지노 칩 as Proposed
4 Approval of the Ceiling Amount of the Remuneration for Directors 카지노 칩 as Proposed
5 Approval of the Ceiling Amount of the Remuneration for an Auditor 카지노 칩 as Proposed
14th Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting(Friday, March 28, 2014) Outcome
1 Approval of Financial Statements for the 14th Fiscal Year 카지노 칩 as Proposed
2 Ratification of Stock Option Grant 카지노 칩 as Proposed
3 Approval of the Appointment of an Executive Director (Chang, Hyun Guk) 카지노 칩 as Proposed
4 Approval of the Ceiling Amount of the Remuneration for Directors 카지노 칩 as Proposed
5 Approval of the Ceiling Amount of the Remuneration for an Auditor 카지노 칩 as Proposed
13th Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting(Friday, March 29, 2013) Outcome
1 Approval of Financial Statements for the 13th Fiscal Year 카지노 칩 as Proposed
2 Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation 카지노 칩 as Proposed
3 Approval of the Appointment of Independent Directors 카지노 칩 as Proposed
3-1 Election of an Independent Director(Park, Jin Won) 카지노 칩 as Proposed
3-2 Election of an Independent Director(Kim, Hyung Chul) 카지노 칩 as Proposed
4 Stock Option Grant 카지노 칩 as Proposed
4-1 New Stock Option Grant 카지노 칩 as Proposed
4-2 Ratification of Stock Option Grant 카지노 칩 as Proposed
5 Approval of the Ceiling Amount of the Remuneration for Directors 카지노 칩 as Proposed
6 Approval of the Ceiling Amount of the Remuneration for an Auditor 카지노 칩 as Proposed
12th Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting(Friday, March 23, 2012) Outcome
1 Approval of Financial Statements for the 12th Fiscal Year 카지노 칩 as Proposed
2 Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation 카지노 칩 as Proposed
3 Approval of the Appointment of an Executive Director 카지노 칩 as Proposed
4 Approval of the Appointment of an Auditor 카지노 칩 as Proposed
5 Ratification of Stock Option Grant 카지노 칩 as Proposed
6 Approval of the Ceiling Amount of the Remuneration for Directors 카지노 칩 as Proposed
7 Approval of the Ceiling Amount of the Remuneration for an Auditor 카지노 칩 as Proposed
11th Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting(Thursday, March 31, 2011) Outcome
1 Approval of Financial Statements for the 11th Fiscal Year 카지노 칩 as Proposed
2 Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation 카지노 칩 as Proposed
3 Approval of the Appointment of Independent Non-Executive Directors 카지노 칩 as Proposed
3-1 Election of an Independent Non-Executive Director(Kim, Hwa Seon) 카지노 칩 as Proposed
3-2 Election of an Independent Non-Executive Director(Kim, Min) 카지노 칩 as Proposed
4 Ratification of Stock Option Grant 카지노 칩 as Proposed
5 Approval of the Ceiling Amount of the Remuneration for Directors 카지노 칩 as Proposed
6 Approval of the Ceiling Amount of the Remuneration for an Auditor 카지노 칩 as Proposed
10th Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting(Wednesday, March 31, 2010) Outcome
1 Approval of Financial Statements for the 10th Fiscal Year 카지노 칩 as Proposed
2 Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation 카지노 칩 as Proposed
3 Approval of the Appointment of an Executive Director 카지노 칩 as Proposed
3-1 Election of an Executive Director (Seo, Soo Kiel) 카지노 칩 as Proposed
4 Approval of the Appointment of Independent Non-Executive Directors 카지노 칩 as Proposed
4-1 Election of an Independent Non-Executive Director(Park, Jin Won) 카지노 칩 as Proposed
4-2 Election of an Independent Non-Executive Director(Kim, Hyung Chul) 카지노 칩 as Proposed
5 Ratification of Stock Option Grant 카지노 칩 as Proposed
6 Approval of the Ceiling Amount of the Remuneration for Executive Directors 카지노 칩 as Proposed
7 Approval of the Ceiling Amount of the Remuneration for Independent Directors 카지노 칩 as amended
8 Approval of the Ceiling Amount of the Remuneration for an Auditor 카지노 칩 as amended